While women carry their bags or purse in their hands for greater safety, sometimes they want a bag that allows them to keep their hands free, especially while shopping or traveling. In these cases, they would like to purchase a bag that can be worn cross-body if required. The Tory Burch T Monogram Jacquard and Leather Bucket Bag is a stylish compact bag, suitable for use on multiple occasions. Tory Burch claims that the Classic T monogram pattern used on the bag is inspired by the Dutch quilting in Pennsylvania. The bag is available in multiple colors, classic navy, yellow, tory red, rolled brass. The navy bag has a matte finish, while the yellow bag reflects light
The height and width of the bag are 8.4 inches while the depth of the bag is 4.8 inches. The bag also has a cross-body strap 22.5 inches long which is removable and whose length can be adjusted if required. The user can hold the bag using the handle on top. The bag has a sleeve on the exterior so that the user can keep smaller items which she wishes to retrieve easily and a pocket on the interior. The bag is made from woven Jacquard and has a lining of nylon/ polyurethane. The trim of the bag is made from leather. The bag is designed to pay attention to detail, to make the bag versatile enough.
The bucket bag has hardware with a gold-tone. The drawstring closure of the bag uses a metal cord stopper shaped like Tory Burch’s logo for the drawstrings. To release the lock for the bag, the user should press and hold the metallic double T logo, while guiding the drawstrings. When the bag is worn cross-body, the top handle will fold naturally for greater comfort. Alternately the user can also use the crossbody strap to carry the bucket bag on the shoulder and keep her hands free
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